Comments (10)

this game sucks
if you take any requests, i feel like it would be useful to have an mfa for dust particles (like the ones in fnati 2020) since most people just steal code for it anyway
how do i limit the amount of particles in the heat effect.mfa?
How do I get rpanorama.fx?
Top Down Car Movement
(June 19th 2022) It's a car, that's it.
Perspective Shader Offset
(August 24th 2023) (Update: September 6th 2023)
For semi-accurate clicking on objects that are behind the perspective shaders (Needed shaders: https://github.com/Rhadamus/CTF-Perspective) (Has child events)
Icon Spawner
(July 2nd 2023) This was specifically made for ONWAB: Repackaged. But I added more options like top/center/bottom spawning. I decided to release this because it might be useful. Use arrow keys to check the allignments. (Has child events)
One Liner Scrolling
(August 21st 2023) Peytonphile type scrolling, takes only 1 line of code. All you do is change the virtual width and height of the frame for the scrolling to take effect. Practically works with any game resolution.
Customizable FNAF Scrolling
(June 25th 2022) I first released it in a Game Jolt post so I'm putting it here as well.
JOLLY 3 Type Graph
(April 22nd 2023) It's kinda silly. (Has child events and instance values)
BubyGamer11â„¢ Clock
(August 11th 2023)
Confetti Effect
(September 20th 2022) This is the confetti effect that was used in the 17th birthday video. (Yes, I make particles in Fusion and record them.)
REPTILAND Announcement Trailer Heat Particle Effect
(November 19th 2022) This is the heat particle effect that was used in the REPTILAND Announcement Trailer.
Fusion's Calculations
(Sometime around 2021) I made this for myself when I started learning about Fusion's calculations, each counter shows how each calculation works. I'm putting this out here because they make your life easier.
(May 4th 2022)
This is a collection of random experimental mfas I've made.
Will update/add more in the future.
bg11 thumbnail drawing: @GlitchyGlitched
You can use some of these things from here, credit isn't required but it would be appreciated.