
Comments (5)

What do you think?

Hi, MaddenMachine, I played what I could get through in the demo so far. it has promise but there's a lack of balancing in chapter's boss fight. I don't know if I'm missing something but the first boss against the Snake Sock guy seems pretty unfair. The first and second phases are managable but 3rd just pummels you. Like, I can manage the first phase if I get lucky enough, the second phase is ok. But the third phase... I will say that a group of enemies can be more difficult than a single boss. I think the problem is that there is no way to get money or grind off unscripted encounters, meaning no No way to actually buy items. Oh well, I quite liked the character designs. The story is simple so far, but it does its job. So yeah, the demo is alright but this roadblock stops me from getting further. Sorry for all the bitching but I hope you can make the demo better good luck!!!

After a bounty hunter finds his dream target, he suddenly discovers that the man he hunts is a familiar face. #rpg #adventure #action


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