Comments (7)
So this game your making combines different FNaF fangame series that are dead today? Good way of remembrance
fucking trojan.
The Multiverse.
is this mac tonight and the forgotten ones but with random fnaf characters?
"This all looks familiar....."
It's the year 2000. You are a newly hired intern for the recently renewed C&E's Storage & Rental shipment warehouse. Your job is to spend five nights at the warehouse and watch over it to make sure nothing goes wrong. If you manage to succeed, the reward is a check of $590.99. However, the old warehouse doesn't seem all that ordinary....
But after all, what could possibly go wrong?
Oh wow very first project :D
The whole point of The Forgotten Ones is to take a bunch of FNAF fangames and other horror games that aren't popular anymore and give them another chance to shine once again......by trying to kill you, heh.
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/wNC6wCvK57
@HotBelgianWaffles : Most things
@unknownter : I haven't figured out yet
@MGE69: I also haven't figured out yet
Five Nights at Freddy's belongs to Scott Cawthon @realscawthon
The Return to Freddy's belongs to @TylerAhlstrom
Five Nights at Treasure Island belongs to @RadianceGamesOfficial
Six Horrors at Toony's belongs to @ToonsterGames95
Five Nights at Tubbyland belongs to @Critolious
Five Nights at Ronald's belongs to @TanforDev
Stuffed: The Real Begin belongs to @Fedriz_Marini
Five Nights at the Krusty Krab belongs to @Syncaroonie
Tattletail belongs to Waygetter Electronics
123 Slaughter Me Street belongs to Impulse Game Studios