
Dispatched: Experimental is a prototype/demo of a game I'd want to fully develop someday, with a story, cool characters and fun campaign. THIS, however, is a tech demo of sorts, I am using it to learn coding and my main focus is to develop the gameplay, as well as some mild world-building.
The finished demo will include an arena mode, 4 playable characters and 4 challenges. Outside of combat there will also be a little lounge where you can walk around and talk to NPCs, giving you a better idea of who you're playing as.
The game is very inspired by a lot of things, among which Hotline Miami, Left 4 Dead 2 and Resident Evil (altough it's very much its own thing). It's going to feature a (mostly) electronic soundtrack painfully scraped together by yours truly. The gameplay will consist of completing tasks and shooting a wide range of zombie variants, with some other fun quirks like thermite grenades and launchers.
I think that's it. This is just my little side project so progress is very... random. See you when it's finished.