
Comments (24)

What do you think?

can you decompile blue oddities?

could fnati rebooted be here? i dont want it its just other ppl really want the game.

yo poley can i breaking the magic (new) html 5

Hey where models blender is gone

Wow that cool don't deleted you right

This is a pack of dumped Five Nights at Treasure Island Fan Games. If the creator don't want to be in the game page, feel free to request to be removed.

#fnaf #horror #fangame #fnati #dump

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Violence

Breaking The Magic (v1) 0.2.0 update release!

Released Five Nights at Treasure Island 2: The End of Disney Version 1!

Released Malrat's Remastered 1.0 Dump!

Decided to dump FNaTI 2 Original Revamp first before The End Of Disney

What next? Part 2

  26 votes Voting finished