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Basically a random game, Many updates are really fast, but not really usually #other

Mild Language
Simulated Gambling

Hey guys, i can pretty much say ALPHA 1.9 is 63% finished, However you guys, can try out the game!

Also, i was just about to lose the ALPHA 1.9 Code, how the heck am i lucky..

I woke up in 9:10 and.. my eyes were seriously tired, i was on the phone for 2 hours and i started sleeping at 1:12 AM, then probably fell asleep at.. well, i think 1:54 AM. Gonna start working on ALPHA 1.9.

32% Finished doing ALPHA 1.9, Gotta go sleep now.

Great news! apparently i accidentally saved the ALPHA 1.6 code in to the ALPHA 1.5 code, so i can continue working!

Well sh--, i forgot that i lost the code for ALPHA 1.6, guess i will have to re-code the stuff from ALPHA 1.6..