Comments (28)

guys who see hayami chan:fear
me if a girl open my front door everytime, appearing and disappearing, and interrupting my anime (for some reason she looks a lot like the protagonist of the anime, it must be just a coincidence):
I think im first to make a video idk
Can’t wait for this
Will this game be available for mobiles too?

Step into the intriguing world of Hayami-Chan where you leave your mundane job to pursue your dream of becoming a movie critic. You stumble upon a mysterious Anime DVD that could potentially jumpstart your new career. With little information available about it, it might just be the perfect catalyst for your future success. Then again, who knows?

PlayStation styled graphics.
Hide-n-Seek Gameplay.
Managing tasks.
Game Jolt Trophies.
Online Game Jolt Scoreboard.

Project Manager:
Head Programmer & German Translation:
Japanese, Spanish, French & Russian Translations: