Comments (24)
Need any additional voice actors?
You know things are getting serious when Jesus himself gets involved in the story
dirty tiles texture
the day!
Wait. That one image with joy's hat. I think a old version had a menu like that.
Joy and me VR/non vr
Joy and me Non VR 1.1.7

Have you ever been curious about what sleep paralysis is like? Here is the experience turned into something original!
This game is about survival horror levels, levels that will be released with each update, with 4 free characters for everyone and the rest of the updates and characters will be exclusive to patreon
Joy and me is a horror saga with designs based on sleep paralysis experiences, also mixing real stories with real situations, such as abuse, paranormal cases, etc.

This game may not be suitable for all VR headsets, Unreal Engine has very little support for virtual reality and it is really difficult to have everything adapted for each VR headset
If the game does not work well for you, leave a comment and tell us your specifications and we will be happy to improve it!!

This game has multiple mechanics that, although they are simple, it is not bad to explain them
To interact with buttons or signs, simply touch that button/sign with your controller
To move, you can aim with your controller using the joystick to activate the sight and when you release the joystick you will teleport to where you pointed
If teleportation does not work, do not worry, that scene is designed that way so that it does not move, there are specific maps that can be moved and other maps that cannot
Joy v2 model by Noyes
#horror #survival #other #vr
The game was a #fnaf fan game years ago, now it has become an independent game #fnaf