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Ominous Places Public release 1

Version: 0.1.1about 2 years ago
first public release. after this the game will be remade. also im rlly sorry guys idk why but the mouse sensitivity is kinda shit on mac. (one last thing: i dont have windows so i havent tested the windows version yet. be warned and play at ur own risk)

random ass garbage game I originally made as a school project and forgot to share until now馃拃

inspired by dark deception and (partly) shadow corridor

original cringe description:

鈥滱 short and simple horror game I made as an assignment for a media tech project. Inspired by several horror games such as dark deception and Shadow Corridor.

It's simple: You're trapped in what seems to be an abandoned office, or at least an office that is empty after the working hours (it's nighttime). You don't know how you ended up here, but regardless of anything, you have to get out of here. However, the exit needs a keycard, and all the electricity, which a keycard needs, appears to be turned off in this place. So, good luck trying to get out, because:

y檀o谈u谭'痰r谈e檀 檀n檀o谈t檀 痰a谭l谈o谭n谈e檀,潭 谭a谈n谈d痰 痰t潭h谭e谭y谭 痰w檀i檀l谭l檀 谈f谈i潭n谈d潭 谈y潭o檀u谈 谭:檀)谈"

#horror #other #survival #fangame #strategy #action

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

expect a new version in a few days/ weeks or so


in the proccess of remaking this trashy game once again as a school project