
Comments (4)

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how to get key in mall😭 ima stuck



Subtitle : The Quest For Milk

This is MILK GAME, the remastered not the original. It's the greatest #rpg maker game I have made so far. It's awesome.

ok it's actually a remake not a remaster but i branded it before looking up the difference


You're bob, and you gotta go get some milk! However, you're OUT of milk, so you gotta go to a store to get some milk! But when that store doesn't have milk.. what then?

Intended to be comedic, with mostly funnies rather than super serious stuff, although there is some content at certain points that could probably be considered sensitive or serious to some people

NOW I know I made the game in RPG MAKER MV which sort of isn't exactly notorious for making super high quality games with all original artwork, HOWEVER i worked against the engine quite a bit so the sprites are all-new, and the music is all-awesome.

Play this game! Do it for the MILK!

Encounter bugs? PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF Milk TELL ME ABOUT IT SO I CAN FIX IT (unless its fun and doesnt hurt gameplay)

#milk #funny #rpgmaker #rpgmakermv #game


it has been brought to my attention that windows safescreen is popping up when you try to open the game?? i assume this is related to the fact i changed the icon of the .exe file but milk game 100% can't harm your device at all so just click Run anyway

small patch

bob now suggests a way to get the key in mallmart

for those stuck : talk to the guy who hates his job (asser) in the daycare after interacting with the door

i plan on rereleasing the original milk game at some point but that'll be a while from now

MILK GAME REMASTERED (the remake lol)



(plz report bugs if you find any cause i know i couldnt)

this deserves to get as popular as all those massively popular games that keep appearing in my recommended

okay maybe not that big but still pretty big