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Mordım DLC is a project that I started to look at in 2013 then get canceled.

The game is going to have 4 episodes.

The game uses Unity HDRP.

There will be things such as:

  • 4 episodes (like in terms of themes,not like levels)

  • survival-horror gameplay

  • firstperson shooter

  • subtitles (aka no voice acting)

  • Official soundtrack

If it all goes well,there will be more than 6 games that actully connected together

#horror #other #dlc #mordim #survivalhorror #fps #unity #firstpersonshooter


Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Yeah Im in that part of the development.

Because of personal life issues,the development will be more slower.

Im not gonna cancel the game but its gonna be slow as I can open my computer in a time limit now.

Have a good day

Exofes games

Im bored at school again

(Diec snowman version and normal version)

(The hat in the snowman version is not necessary.)

(Im saying again,the teeths of the snowman is organic,and they are not robots.)

I tried to add the path finding to te Schrana (this means allso for Mordım DLC).So here is the result


Today I added the future of puting things that auto fixes themselfs .As you see,a single wall type has 16 variants but I dirrectly putting the walls and the magic happens automaticly.

I have done 16 different variant textures for a single wall type just because of the connections.

But belive me,If I can do the thing I want,It will be worth it.

(Tomorrow I will look again to finish it because its 23:18 in here)

Have a good day


This is face of Morj

He is a mecha(metal based living organisms)

I dont gonna tell you an advanched bio about him now (because it will bring other questions to you)

As living beings have an avarage face,mechas avarage face is like that.


hmmm I think Imma go 16:9 resolation.

allso a beta look at objects thing.

...I will need to remaster the Mordım DLC images to match to the new resolation

(by the way,as you notice gamejolt messed up with the color and video quality)

Back in busness.

Better Nuri images

(The seccond one is litterely made accidently lol)
