
Comments (17)

What do you think?

The first level had me raging! It was so hard! It drove me insane :P Great game overall, i will definitely be back for more. Great job!

Here is my little raging lets play :P (posted on aswell)

i think the game looks cool i love ninja stuff ı hope this will bee a perfect game after finishing it

se ve bien el juego

After a long time a game that drove me crazy and caused me to ragequit

How I play as a keybored (idk sorry bad english lol) Can you help me I'm on xbox 360/One Controller

Neon the Ninja is a 2D, punk rock, anti-everything-corrupt-in-the-world, action/ stealth game that tasks the player with a hit-list of the eight most vile leaders in the world. Slash your way through everything that moves; dive into neon signs for camouflage; or maybe do a little bit of both (who would we be to judge...that's Neon's job) in this Quentin Tarantino-vs.-Saturday-morning-cartoon take on video games. Things are going to get much, much brighter with Neon around.

Players will be greeted with a Mega Man-esque boss select screen upon starting the demo, allowing them to choose whether to take on the warped, faith-manipulating “Patriarch” or the Egyptian occult-obsessed “Neo-Cleo.” Both of these challenging boss fights reward the player with unique items that can be used in subsequent playthroughs of either level.

See how many seconds you can shave off your level completion time thanks to these pieces of the bosses’ powers! After trying all of the items, finding all of the secrets, and defeating all of the bosses in the Neon the Ninja demo, players can look forward to the Steam Early Access release of the game later in 2017. This version of the game will add two more levels and bosses and will be updated over time with gameplay tweaks and additional levels/bosses.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Blood and Gore
Crass Humor

Neon the Ninja is now on STEAM!


2017: the year of the Ninja

Neon the Ninja demo for PC! Gamepad recommended.