
Where no mind takes place
One day you wake up in a house that reminds you of your home. But for some reason, you don't remember anything. You just remember who you are, don't you? The longer you stay in your house, the stranger it gets. Are your memories even the right ones?
W/A/S/D Walk
L Shift Run
E Interact
LMB Rotate / Exit Locker/Interact with Items
RMB Hold Breath
Based on the vhs tape "Where no mind takes place" by theArdjh
Inspired by Fears to Fathom, Dead by Daylight, Bad Parenting, At Dead of Night
1 Ending: ~15-20 Minutes
All (3) Endings: ~ 1 hour
 Developed by Ardjh
 by Freepik
 Freesounds.org (CC0)
 Models (Sketchfab)
 Clock by 3DHaupt
 Ring Binder by Jura
 Box by jaienjacobson
 Notebook by SCANIMATE.IO
 key by sagzain
 Chandelier by ashleycoe
 Newspaper by abdillamy
 VHS Tape by swordmanck
 Street Lamp by bez_glaza
 Lamp by Zian
 Daydream by DoubleGum
Venice Classic by soixantedeux