
Comments (181)

What do you think?


I'll be looking forward to this.

if you play the music in the soundtrack

"Punishment Detected" and then "Boss Meeting", it sounds like an anti piracy screen.

---Game Information:---

Sonic.exe VoD is Sonic.EXE Fangsme rewritting the story branded inculding with a glitch that it got into 3 Dimensions where other heroes and vilians have to team up and stop the great evil for once and bring the piece to normal.


Sonic was teleported to the Hidden Palace where he had to guard the Master Emerald till Knuckles is on a his own absence.

---Something went wrong with Master Emerald and somehow broked itself and a shadow appeared and unleashed his power,He sent Sonic back to the past so The Creature named Exeleton, the Yellow-Eyed Demon to stop Sonic from leaking the plans of World's Apocalypse.

And when he was teleported to the past,This is where the things goes worse...---

Investigate in Full Game by completing the game and playing as Sonic Characters,Mario Characters and Kirby Characters.

Game Infos:

Lead Director of Game:

@ExtremeSilver11080_Studios and @Itsumi-aka-Blue (love you sister)(Inculds Thunder as new role)

Co-Director/Co-Owner of The Game:


Co-Developers of the Game:

@Blantados ,@SonicsGamingHub,@lelod671 ,@ThatOneBlueBoy ,@CloudyCrack555Gamer @FakelOK and many more!

Music Producers of VoD: VilexPlague,@DJElectricJes ,Blantados and others.

Report Bugs and Glitches in Comments Section,Also a Support Opened. #fangame #other #adventure #horror

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

Nerfs and Buffs Update!

Note:This all inculded goes in Full Game.

Is Anyone having this issue while opening the game?

Thanks to @Andrew_557 for Know.

Tomorrow Conclusions.

It's here ladies and gentlemen.

Double Down Demo is launched till by,Enjoy!

Play it now !

Leave a comment if feedback or ya encounter some bugs.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Major Update to April 2022.Please Read This Post For Futher Informations about the developement.

Note:All what you will see here won't promote harrasment and hate to other peoples.

This is gotta be the last showcase so till April 5th Full Game Comes out.


#devlog #Sonicexe

Stated Infos.

Full Game Comes in 5th April,Any Thoughts?


Here the things are going for now.

(Improving Old Cutscenes to New)

Glad you like it.

Credits : @lelod671 for Video and @Blantados for Beta-Testing.

Mind adding Story Mode to be alike 4 minutes?

This is Eggman's Main Stage.

Is anyone wanting Full Version for really?

Collaboration with @PlusMusic !

Music Collaborations will achieve a credits,Below if you may.