
Comments (30)

What do you think?

Reminded me of 2001: A Space Odyssey Very good job with this game The atmosphere that you create is great and the story really catches you

That was really great! Quite moved by the ending I got (are there more? ). There was just enough setup to make the payoff seem meaningful. The story isn't too long either, which is a good thing in in my opinion.

This game would be good for VR, I think.

Mystic and beautiful experience!

So when are you going to put up the album for download, huh? This would fit perfectly on my ambient playlist for working!

yup - nice - really suggestive (and claustrophobic) atmosphere - I like the game idea

Very atmospheric and well-presented. Remind me never to go into stasis for space missions


Point Of No Return

Version: 1.1.6almost 5 years ago

You've just awoken from stasis. Protocol states that you must complete reorientation tests. Your ship's AI must determine if the long sleep has had any physiological or psychological impact. Answer honestly. Answer carefully.


Point Of No Return is a short narrative experience (~35 mins) written for AdventureJam 2020 that is just as much an album as it is a game.

#AdvJam2020 #adventure #pointnclick #altgame

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