
Comments (5)

What do you think?

So... I tested the game here and I'll list some problems I've encountered:

  • the game is not so intuitive i believe adding a small tutorial would work well :)

  • I don't know if it's a bug but when I click on the machine nothing happens.

  • It took me a while to find the mine to generate resources, and even then I have no idea how to use or sell these resources, there could be an arrow indicating where the mine is for the player to know right away.

  • I believe that the time to mine would be better if it were counted from top to bottom (instead of 0 to 8 it was 8 to 0) so it is more intuitive for the player to know how much time is left to finish mining.

  • Despite having the "volume" option, I didn't hear any sound during gameplay, I don't know if this is a bug or not (but I think adding sounds and a quiet song would add a lot to the game's mood)

well... basically that, i'll wait for the new updates :)

Accepting ANY criticism and suggestions :)

This has been discontinued. Why? It's because I've lost interest into the Unity Game Engine.

Though, I will be remaking it on a new Engine (Godot Engine). See you in a few months! :)


Pixel Plate 2D [EARLY ACCESS]

Version: 0.1.7almost 3 years ago

Pixel Plate 2D is 2D "simulator" where you get resources and sell those resources that you earned/got, you can also use these resources to make other resources.

#Unity #unity #unity2d #Unity2D #GameDev #gamedev #earlyaccess #2d #other


[Balancing Update]

PixelPlate 2D: V0.1.7

Update Log:

-- Balancing

- Rock Selling Amount: 5 > 1

- Coal Selling Amount: 10 > 4

- Gold Selling Amount: 25 > 13-14

-- New

- About Button on Main Menu

- You can now get diamonds by mining

V0.1.5 is here!

Update Log:

- (Beta) Tent Sell your resources and earn coins!

- Temporarily Disabled Settings

- Small Change to the Mining System

Just released a patch on the game. You can get the new patch here.

Update Log:

- Fixed Data not saving

- New Icon, and by new I mean copypasted icon from the game page.

Just made a new game! though currently, there's nothing really in the game..

but hey, here's the game!