
People say that when you promise something, you always hold your word to it. Yet how come every time someone promises something, they ALWAYS find a way to break it?
Sarah is a 19 year old girl living in a small town in New York. Her life is usually pretty simple, or was until the war. In 2035, a war broke out between the Neo-U.S.A and the newly formed Helio-Union. It changed everything. People were forced into hiding camps until the war was over. After it ended, resources were so scarce that most were killed off. The ones remaining were scanned to see what level of intelligence they were and by that, were placed into the associated 'group.' Sarah was one of the people to survive.
Throughout the game, Sarah has to decide if she can keep the promise she made with her parents and the government itself. The promise that the real reason the war was started would not come out. It's not going to be easy however because Sarah loses ones closest to her because they decide they cannot trust her any longer. Soon, she's isolated in what seems like a room of her own demise.
It's your choice to what Sarah chooses. She's in your control.