
Comments (131)

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please turn down the difficulty on the boss for crying out loud all the bosses are harder than final bosses like the death egg robot and big arms and such these bosses make every boss in the classic games look like miniscule to the difficulty to these things i got stuck on the 2nd boss for OVER 2 HOURS! and that's only the second boss it gets worse from there technology tree is where i gave up because i have no clue what to do not to mention it is IMPOSSIBLE to not get hit by it's constant stream of ground projectiles that are hard to see and sometimes blend into the background also please at least add a easy/casual mode i used to enjoy the game and it's bosses i used to play it to relax myself and here i am with tears of frustration running down my cheeks as the idea of what to do in the gosh darn bosses and it's 3 second to long attacks at least add checkpoints for each phase because in technology tree i literally cannot get pass his 3rd phase and i cannot experiment how to beat it because everytime i die i haft to deal with the already hard 1st and 2nd phase just so i get there and die again with still little to no clue on how to beat it so i beg of you please make the game less of a sonic version of dark souls and more of a beatable game to casual audiences i wan't to like and enjoy this game i really, really do as i loved the original but these bosses ruins the game for me i'm sorry that i cannot stop talking about these bosses but how can i not they are the hardest bosses i had to fight in any game i beat sonic triple trouble on the game gear before the battery died and even that was easier than these bosses i'm not trying to be rude or anything and sorry if it does sound like i'm being rude but i just got stuck on technology tree's boss and have been frustrated so much that i'm making a rain of tears from pure frustration from dying to these bosses and worse of all when i get a game over i haft to go through all of the game's menus [which also adds another level of frustration] only to be sent back there not even ten minutes later i got a game over 8 times on this boss alone and we get 4 lives [counting the zero because your still alive when you reach it] and 4x8 = 32 lives wasted on this boss i NEVER died that many times in the original game even to this day i have never died 32 times in the original sonic after the sequel so i will ask this one more time PLEASE ADD A DIFFICULTY SETTING OR CHECKPOINTS IN BETWEEN BOSS PHASES I BEG OF YOU!!!

In my version a I can´t play with cutscenes, this is the message that appears " Cannot use control \"ControlName\" registered at {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000} in this computer registry : Unable to find any programming interface."

Man it's a shame that updates for this game were canceled. This game could DEFINETLY use some more. Cutscenes still don't work, the game randomly spawning me back to Sugar Sand's boss, weird hitboxes it has a lot of problems.

This game also has inconsistent difficulty, while the first three acts of each zone are alright, the special stages are piss easy. I managed to beat all of them insanely quickly seriously they did not feel like a challenge. The bosses on the other hand are either hard as fuck or tedious and boring. Even the first boss for some reason is ridiculously hard.

It's really hard to recommend this game to anyone because while it does have some cool new ideas and the music is amazing. The bugs and inconsistent difficulty ruin the entire experience for me.

it'd be awesome if this also had BTS in it too, but then it'd be a collection. Maybe you could remaster BTS and then put both of the remastered versions in a collection? Like "The Omega Collection" or something.

Edit: The only reason I ask this is because for some reason I can't get the original versions to work

the game is quite literally unplayable


Sonic: After the Sequel - Omega

Version: 0.5.0over 5 years ago


Hello! If you see this page, you probably once played a fan-game known as "Sonic: After The Sequel."

We finished the work, and we are now ready to present to you the game in a new, and better look. 16:9 aspect ratio, DirectX 11 support, new and complicated bosses, new sprites, bug-fixes, Discord's Rich Presence support, achievements, new settings, new cut-scenes made by Triangly (in development), secret game modes, easter eggs, and so much more.

This is not the final version of the project, as we plan to fix more bugs and errors in the next upcoming updates, as well as adding new features.


Здравствуйте! Если вы видите эту страницу, вы, вероятно, когда-то играли в фан-игру, известную как "Sonic: After The Sequel."Мы закончили работу и теперь готовы представить вам игру в новом, лучшем виде. Соотношение сторон 16: 9, поддержка DirectX 11, новые и сложные боссы, новые спрайты, исправления ошибок,поддержка Discord's Rich Presence, достижения, новые настройки, новые кат-сцены, сделанные Triangly (в разработке), секретные режимы игры, пасхалки и многое другое.Это не окончательная версия проекта, так как мы планируем исправить больше багов и ошибок в следующих обновлениях, а также добавить новые функции.

#platformer #retro #fangame

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference

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Sadly, due to some trouble that went on between devs. Satso will most likely no longer receive updates. We appreciate all the suport you have given us. If you want a ats remake done well, please follow this remake by this person: