Retrocality 1.0.0 Part 2
Z to dash up left or right
If you get an error like "unable to load game2.txt" provide the "game2.txt" file
Retrocality 0.1.0-LEGACY
Sorry, it's Incomplete. Next version I will Refine Things, add New Levels, And Maybe even Lore? Thats a Secret
Retrocality 0.2.0-LEGACY
Finally Added an End!
Retrocality 0.3.0 The Update Before Improvements-LEGACY
This is the Last Update where this game is Bad. Trust me. 1.0.0 is going to be Way Better. But! it will take a Long time.
Retrocality Test #1
Retrocality 1.0.0 Part 1
Retrocality AP.RI.L Partꟻ00L5
TotAly LegIt UpDate!
You get a Letter from your Grandpa. You know that he is going to pass away in a few Days. in the Letter he gives you a Heritage to his House. he tells you about an unreleased Console in his Basement. He wants you to sell it and not play the Game for the Console. But what Secrets is he Hiding? why does he not want you to play the game? Find out soon... #platformer #arcade #analog #retro
Mild Fantasy Violence