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Mosaic Gaming Central / The Mosaic Arts
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What do you think?

I love these illegal instructions Sonic horror games! i see great potential in this and i hope it will be very good!

Good luck! :)

Bug report: If I go through that passage it just gets in that animation and I can't do anything. I know it's and engine bug, so can you add like a reset button for the stage?


of course it's a creepypasta

about the important update

-100/10 says "illegal" instead of "eeeeeeeellegal"


Sonic 1 Prototype

Version: 1.1.1over 2 years ago

Sonic 1 Prototype [APRIL FOOLS 2023 UPDATE]

Version: 1.0.0almost 2 years ago
This update is EXTREMEELY important, please do not forget to download it!

DISCLAIMER: This game contains flashing lights and images, if you have sensitive eyes, proceed with caution!

"You've been appointed as the play tester for the prototype of Sonic The Hedgehog. You may test the build at whatever hours that you wish and it is your job to report back if everything is working in the game as it should, like making sure the game is clear of any bugs or the like.

If you find anything wrong with the game build, please let us know!" - Sonic Team

Update 1.1.0 Changelog:

  • Fixed several bugs and design flaws

  • Added reset buttons to the post green hill stages

  • Added a Level Select (With a code of which can be found in game)

  • Added several extra secrets and teasers (I wonder if you can find them?)

  • And made several other tweaks here and there.


Logo designed by Sonic Gaming Hub!

Press R to Reset!

Press the Arrows Keys To Move, and Z to Jump!

#platformer #sonicthehedgehog #sonic #horror #fangame #luigikidexechallenge #exegame #notsonicexe #exe

Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed

It's here! The full release! Download available in the links above!

That extremely important and necessary to download update to Sonic 1 Prototype has arrived, do not forget to download it and tell me what you think!

I’d like you all to do me a very important favor, please keep an eye on the game dev page of Sonic 1 Prototype, yes the Creeepypasta game. Very soon I’m going to make an extremely important update on it. You don’t want to miss!

A new small update has been made to the game adding the following:
- A Level select (with a code which is easy to find)

- minor bug fixes

- stage design tweaks

- extra secrets


Just released one more patch fixing a few more bugs, so yeah.


One final patch has been released, this mainly acted to fix several minor bugs aswell as graphics, but isn't vital to the experience but still recommended to download if you want it.