Comments (4)
I'm excited to see more of this! Looking forward to seeing what else you do with it.
Hey this game looked very great so I made a short christmas eve special for it.
The grappling hook is a little glitchy at the moment and I don't think there's any way to complete it - I get stuck at the big obstruction past the sea (I think it's sea anyway),
But, I REALLY dig where this is going. Love the art style, the music and that cool little guitar!
We'd love to do a feature on it for the Alpha Beta Gamer website when you have a full level or two. :)
Soul Whale is an album adventure about love, exploration, music, and trans-dimensional space whales.
You'll adventure through music-filled worlds with your trusty guitar adding to the noise. Animals and people in these worlds will hear your music and probably dig it. Oh. There's also a mysterious whale flying overhead and feeding your curiosity.
Build Info:
This is the first prototype-demo of the game. I'm planning on developing it over the next year or so, and this published build is meant to gather initial feedback. Please feel free to suggest anything for the game!
I'm currently in the process of writing the album that game will be centered around.