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This is the current beta for Sphericus Maximus: Unto the bang.

Because the game is updated regularily, it is reccomended you get the latest build from the facebook page listed.

This is the story of a Higgs Boson, before the universe began, attempting to forge a path forward for his kind to create everything.

His progress is blocked at every step of his adventure.Strange and hostile worlds filled with dangerous traps and dead ends are only the beginning.

The Bullicai(Hicks Bovine) are intent on stopping the creation of a universe where mashed potatoes, BBQ grill and green beans exist.

They are aided by Squirrels. Hyperactive, Psychotic rodents, intent on serving Nut-Thulu and ensuring that the universe is created as a dark and chaotic place where no lawn, tree or bird feeder is safe.

These, amongst many other abominations haunt Sphericus as he tries to gather his energy and proceed from accelerator to accelerator in a bid to find the wherabouts of where the material realm will someday be...

If he can succeed

Gameplay is designed to be simple on the surface, while carrying tremendous subtlety just beneath. Underneath lies an engine called Chaos Infinity, which manipualtes to very small degrees, a vast number of variables to alter gameplay on a larger scale in almost unnoticable ways. This ensures gameplay varies from play to play, without requiring drastic, insane increases in damage and other "up front" dynamics.

The finished product will boast 80 levels, more than 2 dozen traps and enemies, hidden areas, physics puzzles and much, much more. All this in a game that can please gamers who range from casual to hardcore, depending on the difficulty settings.

It will be released near Christmas 2014 as both priced deluxe, and free to play(in game purchase monetized) web version/standalone if possible. Until that point, my one and only goal is to have people play the game and enjoy themselves.

Please read the usermanual under the in game archive, and watch the tutorial video on facebook.


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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