Game Community
Stramedia: game_COMMUNITY
3 Members

This project is in hiatus. So, until I return to a proper mental state, feel free to follow the page for a different game I am making:

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

merry christmas, i guess.

Dual monitor support enabling settings will infact be there. Though I may wanna take my sweet-ass time working more on that and some other things.

But for now that's all.

...I really waited a long time to get around to this thing.

=== BE RIGHT BACK! ===

...Oh yeah. Now I remembered.

Suddenly I forgot what I was about to do next.

Just a teeny weeny peek at the level (re)building behind the scenes.~

(feels refreshing to spend a day building something for once)

You know I have fun with something if I keep screwing around with it for a few more days.

Oh yeah, and the speech textbox clamps and won't leave the viewport. Yay.


I know this could've been a nice post for this week's Screenshot Saturday, but I slept in. Was having one of those essential rough weeks.
