
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Hey there Leon!(if that's what I should call you) I saw your game and the reasons for why you cancelled it. I thought that with polish the game could have been interesting, but you made one fatal error. You had too big of a scope. Scope is the plan for your game and how you want to release it. You probably should have started by making a prototype of the full game, then polishing the graphics, audio, gameplay, etc. When a developer is just getting started(like myself) it's best to start making the game and release it when it's close to being done or is completely finished. Using hype will not get you very far when you first start out. Also do not be discoureged by what others say about your game. I personally thought that you had a great idea for a game(guessing it was inspired by FNAF) but you had a big scope. Start simple and build yourself up to the top. Also please consider resuming development, your game was not horrible it just needed polish. If you have any questions let me know.


This is just the demo. Full game will be released soon.


Gore Of The Worlds Tech Demo

Just to let you all know a tech demo for my new game, Gore Of The Worlds, is out. You can get the game here : . I hope you all enjoy playing it.

Cancelled !

For Charity

Full Game

So sorry.