Comments (5)
hello, NinjaChicle! i am sorry for disturbing you! i wanted to know how you made the animated title screen in this game! i would like to add something similar to my game. sorry again! have a good day!
the let's play is up! very fun game. i already have, like, 5 episodes at the ready and let me tell you, this might just be my favorite walkthrough yet. here's the link to the first part:
The Wandering Monster
Can be played in english or spanish.
Game Soundtrack

After going crazy for not interacting with anyone in a long time, a monster decides to leave the dungeon he stayed in to find friends, ruining the lives of many bystanders.

This game has 4 endings.
Spanish translation by @FranciscoDoblado
#rpg #adventure #rpgmaker #humor #multipleendings #rpgmakervxace #fantasy #trophies #trophy #achievements #satire #spanish #english
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans