playthroughs in RPG Maker Hub

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Thanks to my good friends @ninesoulssea for playing EDSOF on video, check him out! :

Eternal Dungeons: Shadows of Fate - FULL GAME
After stealing something important you were thrown into the deep cells of the Eternal Dungeon, out of which no soul has yet found an escape... Now with your ...

Today I beat the game called Horror In The House, made by this dude @NazarenKoGames . It was good experience, and also in some way it was diffucult, even though it was on easy mode xD. Well which game shall I play now?

Few days ago, I played the demo of @NinjaChicle ’s Animalistic Worlds. If you haven’t played it, you should. This is a fanart of its protagonist, Hounderick, who's quite funny. The story promises a lot and I'm eager to see how it continues!


1st part -

Here with another showcase, where I actually speak! Isn't that suppppper cool? I think it is.
Btw, 'ere some of the story. In text. There is a story on AO3 about this. Check it out. -

"Hello dreamers!"

A detailed review of False Awakening 1 & 2 by TheRpgmakerAddict 🎮


#story #anime #visualnovel #dark #adventure