
Comments (6)

What do you think?

idiota spierdalaj

wip bros better

nie jestem hejtem



This is a #platformer game. You play with the mouse and you have to escape from a mysterious place. The game is in alpha, so there may be some bugs. If you find an bug, please report it to me. Updates will be coming soon. The Mouse Hero by meciktv. #arcade #adventure #action #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Version 1.0.2

- Fixed bugs

- Add pause menu

- Changed Icon launcher

- Add new easteregg

Version 1.0.1

- Changed menu

- Add new mode - Hardcore Mode

- Fixed bugs

- Add sounds

- Add easteregg

1.0.0 version:

- Add new levels and boss

- Changed menu

- Add Save system

- Fixed small bugs

- Enemy skin changed

- Changed Launcher

- Changed end screen

0.0.1 alpha:

- level 1-3 has been improved

- The ammunition from the cannon is destroyed after hitting the player

- Changed Icon game

- Cursor has been shifted

- If we lose with the boss we will teleport to the last checkpoint from the previous level