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Welcome to Transformers: Millennium!

Previously called "The Transformers", this project has finally started getting updated again, now under the new title "Transformers: Millennium". This project has changed from it's original vision in a number of ways, including changes to the gameplay elements, visuals, story, and even music and sound design.


The game is a Turn-Based Stratgey (TBS) 1v1 Combat game in a similar vein to Slay The Spire and Street Fighter. The game will be 100% Free-To-Play, and will be released exclusively for Windows PCs. Furthermore, you will need a modern version of PowerPoint (either subscription or one-time-purchase) that supports 3D models, since 3D animation will feature heavily in the game (the OPC version will be more compatible with older versions of PPT). The total gameplay length is estimated to be around 10 hours from start to finish (though there will be some replay value in a similar vein to Slay The Spire), and should run well on a variety of computers.

The game will release with two versions:

// Standard Edition: This is the "default" or "intended" version of the game. It's the one that I've been working on the longest, and pulls all the stops visually to make this (hopefully) one of the most polished and professional games I've ever made. However this does mean your PC will be asked to render 3D animations in real time with vector-scaling resolution (meaning they will scale to the display you're using), as well as having overlaying layers of sprites, FMVs, sounds, and more. It can definitely tax an older machine(though any computer with a dedicated GPU made in the last 10 years should be able to handle it unless you have it hooked up to a 4k screen).

// OPC Edition: This is the version that, ironically, I was somewhat forced to make, but now I'm glad I did.

When I was suddenly forced to pack up all my gear into storage and move, I could only bring my laptop with me (which is a 2007 Dell Precision M6300). For the longest time I was using my 3770k + 780Ti PC with 32GB DDR3 to develop the game, and it was running buttery smooth, but once I switched over to my laptop it became apparent immediately that this game was going to chug on older machines. Therefore, not only to allow me to continue developing the game on my laptop but also to make it more accessible to a wider variety of platforms, I have decided to make an OPC (Old PC) version of the game.

This version will pre-render every cutscene (and as much additional animation as possible) at 480p to make it run well. The goal is simple: Make it playable on my 2007 laptop. Hopefully my low standards for developing this game allow for this to run on your PC, too :D


On a distant planet, far from all signs of charted civilization, what remains of the Autobots and Decepticons race to acquire the Allspark, a powerful device with capabilities only barely understood. Maybe the Allspark can save them. Maybe, they can save others, too...

(That's all you get for now. No sense spoiling the story just yet)


This game will be exclusively controlled with the mouse. No support for keyboard or controllers is currently planned, as doing so would require an immense amount of work (and may not even be feasible for the OPC version).

How Can I Get Involved?

This project has been worked on exclusively by myself for the longest time, but I have decided to open the project up for more people to participate. As I no longer use Discord (or most social media for that matter), The options for participation are somewhat limited, but regardless here they are:

// Development Help: The goal is for me to still be making all the models, all the animations, and all of the programming and game design. However, as a solo developer my weakest part of the game-making process lies in the music and SFX department. I also have decided to allow the project to be voice-acted, something I initially wasn't planning on doing. In these veins, if you have any experience in this area and want to help out (completely unpaid, as this entire project is a volunteer-only fan project that will be making 0 return on investment, including for myself), the link to the CastingCallClub page for this project is below:

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// LIVE Development Help: As a part of the development process, I will be livestreaming my efforts to develop this game. Since I am not on a lot of social media (really only YT and Reddit), this is the best opportunity you'll have to talk to me, look in on the progress of the game, ask questions, suggest ideas, and help keep the project moving forward. The link to my Development YouTube Channel is below:

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// Spread The Word! Make posts, share the link to the livestream VODs as they become available, let everyone know about this project. Even though this project is an unpaid one, the more eyes we get on it the better we can make it. More people in the development livestreams; more people looking at the project and offering their perspectives on it; more people in anticipation of it's release will not only motivate me (and those that have volunteered to help) to completing the project but will also help polish and improve the project as it progresses. Sharing this project is absolutely crucial towards the success of this project.

That's all for now in terms of this project. Updates on this page will likely be less-frequent than on my YT or my Reddit, so stay tuned there if you want faster, more up-to-date information available. If you want to reach out to me personally, feel free to leave a comment on my YouTube, or feel free to DM me on Reddit:

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'Til all are (gone?)

#fangame #scifi #pointnclick #puzzle #shooter #strategy #rpg #other #transformers

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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