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It was all a lie...

Are you a UCN fan? Well, did you want animatronics that look like they're from SFM? You got it here. Welcome to Ultimate Remake Night! Where all characters from all FNaF Remakes (from @Bashir_Fadiga ) are there. (Includes 75 customizable characters)


Freddy: He will come from the right door. Close it to prevent him from coming. Heating up the office or watching him for long will slow him down.

Bonnie: He will come from the left door. Close it to prevent him from coming. Keeping the fan on or not watching him for long will slow him down.

Chica: She will be on the stage. Keep on winding her voice box so she can sing for children at 6:00 AM.

Foxy: He will be in his Pirate Cove. Keep watching him so he can stay in. Otherwise he'll run in the hall. When he's running, quickly shut the door or he'll give you a deadly suprise.

Golden Freddy: He will randomly appear in your office. Either put on the mask or turn on the moniter to get rid of him. When set to 20, there will be a secret way to get a death screen.

Withered Freddy: He will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other withered animatronics and the salvage ones. Once he gets out, quickly put on your mask or he'll end your run.

Withered Bonnie: He will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other withered animatronics and the salvage ones. Once he gets out, quickly put on your mask or he'll end your run.

Withered Chica: She will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other withered animatronics and the salvage ones. Once she gets out, quickly put on your mask or she'll end your run.

Withered Foxy: He will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other withered animatronics and the salvage ones. Once he gets out, quickly shine the light on him or he'll end your run.

Withered Golden Freddy: He will randomly appear in your office. Either put on the mask or turn on the moniter to get rid of him. When set to 20, there will be a secret way to get a death screen.

Toy Freddy: He will be in the front vent. When he gets close to the office, close the front vent door.

Toy Bonnie: He will be in the Repair Room trying to make an alternative version or Bonnie. If you stare at him fixing Bonnie for too long, he will notice you and come towards the office. If that happens, there will be no way to stop him.

Toy Chica: She will block one of the cameras, if you stare at the camera she's blocking for too long, she will kill you immediately.

Mangle: He will stay in the vents. When she is close to the office, put on the mask to fool him.

Shadow Freddy: dgsjdhshmaskffdjgfhd

Shadow Bonnie: dgsjdhshmaskffdjgfhd

Springtrap: He will behave just like in FNaF 3. Once you see him near your door, either close it or play the audio sound to send him back to where he started.

Phantom Freddy: He will be in your office trying to fade in. Once you see him, either shine him or don't mind him. Continuously looking at him fade in will make him block your view for a couple of minutes.

Phantom Chica: She will do the same as Phantom Freddy but you have to look at her for her to fade away.

Phantom Foxy: He will come in your office randomly and have a stay for the rest of the night like if he's your roommate. If that happens, don't mind him or he'll scare you causing your power to lose 10% and mess up the ventilation.

Phantom BB: He will be in the same camera where BB is. When he has the Phantom "Balloons!" sign in his hand, quickly turn off the moniter or he'll block your camera vision for an hour. (In-game)

Phantom Mangle: She will come from both doors. When you see her face in the doorway, close it to prevent her from.

Phantom Puppet: He will stand in one of the halls. If you see him, put on your mask, so, when he will teleport to your office, he'll think you're the past version of Freddy.

Nightmare Freddy: He will send one of his Freddles to be hidden on one of the cameras. If you don't find and click on him, he will a second one. Not clicking on them will make him send a third and last one. If you don't click on the three, he'll end your run.

Nightmare Bonnie: He will randomly appear in the office. Once he does, click on him as soon as possible or he'll end your run.

Nightmare Chica: She will send Nightmare Cupcake to your office on your desk. Put on you mask or he'll let Nightmare Chica know that you're there.

Nightmare Foxy: He will stay in the Pirate's Cove with Foxy and will attack once per night. Once he is gone he will kill you instantly. To prevent this from happening, watch him and he'll go back phase by phase.

Nightmare Fredbear: He will be in the left hall laughing. Once you hear him, close the left door. He is more aggresive than Nightmare.

Nightmare: He will be in the right hall doing his jumpscare sound. Once you hear him, close the right door. He is less aggresive than Nightmare Fredbear.

Jack 'o Bonnie: He will fade in your office making it heat up. Turn on the fan to get him to fade away.

Jack 'o Chica: She will fade in your office making it heat up. Turn on the fan to get her to fade away.

Nightmare Mangle: She will change your Freddy plush to a Mangle plush. When that happens, click it before using the camera panel or she'll just kill you.

Nightmarionne: Don't linger your mouse over him for too long!

Circus Baby: She will be on the Funtime Stage. If she gets off close both doors at the same time.

Ballora: She will be on the Funtime Stage. If she gets off close both doors at the same time.

Funtime Freddy: He will be on the Funtime Stage. If he gets off close both doors at the same time. If he says "BON BON GO GET HIM" put on your mask.

Funtime Foxy: She will be on the Funtime Stage. If he gets off close both doors at the same time.

Bidybabs: They will make sounds in the vent. When you hear them, close it.

Ennard: If you are playing with headphones, listen carefully. If you hear him on the left close the left door, if right, right door. If both sides, vent. If you play without headphones, hear him and close all 3 of them.

Rockstar Freddy: Y'all know what to do.

Rockstar Bonnie: Every single hour, beginning at 1AM, he will block your cameras. Once he does watch him 3 times before the next hour or else he'll block it forever.

Rockstar Chica: She will be on the cameras once per night. Once you see her, give away 5% of your power. If you refuse, watch her for a whole hour. (in-game)

Rockstar Foxy: He will be downloading RockStarFoxy.exe. The file will allow him to kill you. Look at him every hour to restart the download.

Lefty: He will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other salvage animatronics and the withered ones. Once he gets out, quickly click on him or he'll end your run.

Molten Freddy: He will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other salvage animatronics and the withered ones. Once he gets out, quickly click on him or he'll end your run.

Scrap Baby: She will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other salvage animatronics and the withered ones. Once she gets out, quickly click on her or she'll end your run.

Scraptrap/Afton: He will stay in the Parts and Service room with the other salvage animatronics and the withered ones. Once he gets out, quickly click on him or he'll end your run.

Helpy: Click on him or he'll cause a big noise distraction.

Trash and the Gang: ???

Phone Guy: Will call you every now and then. Once he does, mute him or he'll call for long making the others more aggresive.

BONUS characters:

DeeDee: She will summon some secret characters. If at least 25 characters are active, she will summon them all one at a time.

Candy the Cat: Gets unlocked when you have completed 25/20.

Flumpty Bumpty: Gets unlocked after completing 50/20.


@Bashir_Fadiga - Owner of this game

@realscawthon - Owner of Five Nights at Freddy's

@Emilmacko - Owner of Five Nights at Candy's/Candy the Cat

@Jonochrome - Owner of One Night at Flumpty's/Flumpty Bumpty

#fangame #horror #fnaf



The game will have to be updated every now and then. (The description)