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Dev build
This is for if you want to tinker with the game, I don't have a copyright or anything but still, please don't try and steal this, besides I don't know what you would be able to get out of stealing this garbage.
The updated version with a new script for the player movements, still not sure why the jump refuses to work or register.
I do NOT own everything used in this game, I use scripting from tutorials and I use assets from the unity store and from some of the tutorials, everything that was used in the final game will have a download link in the description, and when I say used i don't mean used for reference, everything used whether it made it to the final game or not will have a link in a devlog post once development has finished, and so the ones that make the final cut will have a download link in here at the bottom. But every asset I used will have a thank you in the credits as well as every tutorial and anyone who sends me possible fixes or ideas will end up their too as a co-developer, as your ideas help no matter what happens.
Not sure how I am going to do this game entirely yet, but so far it is just a video game version of a game developers diary. #platformer #other