
Comments (41)

What do you think?

Patch 0.2.0 is out! Hopefully this addresses the concerns and issues with the game. I still haven't made it easier to find bunnies yet nor added swimming yet.

Hello there fellow streaming buddy :P! TheGobBob here xD.

The game was pretty entertaining, I liked it =3. Tbh, I could only find one bunny (the one in the cliffs) xD. The footsteps were a really nice addition, so you could hear the wolves walking near you, and it gave me the creeeeps ;u;. Good luck in the jam :P!

P.S. Check out my entry in your free time :3. (cough cough shameless plug cough cough)

Hello. This game looks nice and I watched Markiplier play it, so I wanted to try playing it as well. But I did the quick play and it was real slow and I couldn't move the character very well and the options too. I don't think it's my computer, but maybe. But will this game ever be installable? Maybe I can play it better that way. Thanks if you read this. Sorry. But the game does look nice and I like bunnies. thumbs up

Hello guy, I have made Video for this game Wildlife Survivor on my Youtube Channel at here :

Thank you developer! XD

Hello everyone, i have made a Let's Play video series for this game Wildlife Survivor on my YouTube channel at URL:

I LOVE! this game it is so original kudos to the developer(s).


Play through the perspective of a lonely bunny. You barely managed to escape from a pack of wolves, however, you got separated from your family. In search for your family, you are also hungry and thirsty. Therefore, you must search for food and water along the way. Watch out for predators. They are awaiting their next meal.

(You only need a minimum of 2 bunnies to save, in order to sleep and beat the game)

#meatlyjam #horror #survival


Inspired by the field trip game, Survivor, that summer camps and schools like to do. Wildlife Survivor aims to emulate the horror that a herbivore has to go through when being at the bottom of the food chain.

Easter Egg

There is also a nice easter egg, devoted to the gamejam. See if you can find it.
Hint: It's not far from home. Not far at all.


Art, Coding - BountyXSnipe
Ambience Music by ThrillShowX:
Chase Music - PressOn by DarkFutureMusic
Sound Effects:

Known Issues/Bugs

-You cannot swim yet
-It can be very difficult to find bunnies

Plans for future updates

-Add difficulty levels
-Add more levels (day and night scenarios)
-Add more enemies. Including hunters and predatory birds

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

0.3.0 patch is now available for WebGL - Wildlife Survivor

0.3.0 is here! - Wildlife Survivor

0.3.0 patch coming this week! - Wildlife Survivor

Wildlife Survivor 0.3.0 patch sneak peek

Wildlife: Survivor - 0.2.0 build for Windows has been released