Game is consists 8 parts.You are driving a BUGGY on demanding roads,
you will earn points by collecting farm animal icons.
In prder to pass ezch task, different points needs.
In the mean time, beware of the spacecrafts
who decided to take you off a cliff and flying bombs.
In the difficulty level "easy"
you will find packets of enegy which will refresh your energy.
The "hard" option, it won't be energy other than on hands.
If you're still alive and collected the required points;
the door that is required to finish the task,
will appear at the end of the road.
Using this door, you will walked to other tasks and finish the game.
At the end of the section, the game is automatically saved.
So, if you want exit and by loading the game later,
you can continue where you left off.
Good luck and have a good time.