1 year ago

1.0.6 OUT SOON! Merry Christmas Everyone!!

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Rest In Peace 1926-2022

GameJolt Page Out In A Couple Of Weeks :D

Introducing Fredbear's Online! Cheek Out The GameJolt Page!

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Announcement Trailer + Anniversary Devlog


Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

something's not right here

Hey, I have decided to continue under a different name. My old name (Crazy-dev) will be changed to "Insanity Productions".

Another massive thing is that I will be switching from Unity to UE4, so stay tuned for that!

To Insanity and beyond!

These are my favorite models I've made this year!!! I know these are the recent ones but yeah I love them a lot

Just A Test (Made In Ue4)