1 year ago

2 new shiny friends today! (The first one is a dream shiny for a long while lmao)

The sandwich method is cracked!



Next up

Welcome Home Chiptune Cover It might not be accurate but I did my best lol, but yeah Credit: troy_en for the game OG Song: https://youtu.be/Nt1euiDOXE0

I was sent this

My YT Character/Persona's real form pixel art, just cause I wanted to do pixel art and I had no ideas, gonna make it my pfp lol

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Pokémon...with guns!?

Complete the quest and you'll get a Pokémon sticker pack!

He do be vibing

Have You Played Lethal Company? What's a fun story that's happened to you while playing?

Me when my other "monitor"

(It's my TV)

I did something dumb cause I had some coffee

Our Intergalactic Party was out of this world!

This video is the next best thing to having been there.

Zoo wee mama

But yeah, made a video on KinitoPET, just need to edit the video lol, will be on YouTube some point lol