(Official/Previous/Original Link to Post towards Jhob Stopper's first appearance: https://gamejolt.com/p/2024-dds-parody-character-9-jhob-stopper-created-on-aug-28th-32exj2m5)
And of course, it's now October 16th, 2024!!!! And wait just a minute here!?!??!!! Haven't we seen this parody mascot/experiment before from Draxx Dustun Studios!?!?!?!!!! WE DID!!!!! But apparently that this parody mascot here from Draxx Dustun Studios has been created a new version of himself here!!!! To all refresh your parody memories here, this right here's none other then "Jhob Stopper", better known as also "Experiment/Prisoner-PMJ8897"!!!!! Created back on September 1st, 1912, and was first seen here on GameJolt roughly a few months ago around in August of 2024, Jhob Stopper was known to be one of the earliest creations of all Mall Keepers known demand here!!!!!
Apparently, once again, Jhob Stopper has had been creating a few upgrades on himself here!!!! It appears that Jhob Stopper has created himself a #2ndVersion of his entire parody looks and everything!!!!! I mean, it's kind of the same here!!!! The only differences are that his hands and arms are facing in a different direction, his wings and legs are slightly moved a bit, and he has a few new pieces and a little purple bunny rabbit on his chest!!!! Huh!!! Kind of wired huh??? Anyways folks, that's all there is to show for today!!!! I know there wasn't much for this post here, but I wanted to do something a bit different then usual!!!! Anyways, see you all next time in the next future updates, and have a wonderful and relaxing afternoon!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #JhobStopperHasUpgradeSlightly!!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!