3d bsp engine for tactical urban ( Tachyon 3 ) releasing alpha around summer
this will replace 2.5d fm and consolidate Tachyon 2 + FPS engine
Next up
Officially starting tachon 3, i finished my 3d bsp prototype, dont worry about the picture showing slight imperfections in the sorting, i prevented the algorithm from doing any splitting and it works better than painters already, and is much faster
it took me like 6 tries to beat my own game
pls read updates below
updates as of now until v0.1.0 are all still test phases for the atmosphere, and the modular health system will be coming up very soon :>
(please skip to 1:30)
Some side fireteam stuff, very likely I will redo the weapons mechanics and implement 3d weapon models
I still can’t work on fireteam yet till summer break rolls around
New Shockwave 2 Optimization and Bug fix update Overhaul 1.4
AI does not have any movement behavior yet
thanks to Activision for all the death sounds
the AI can die from shooting each other too
v0.1.0a will be the first major update, coming out next post, 2 weeks (these are smol updates)
Something is wrong with my shockwave 2
something inspired by unrecord
sounds and most assets by sky btw