13 days ago

A menu! And a screen transition!! (that only works when loading files rn..) This all took way too long. But it does look cool!! Now let's see if I can do story time without writing an entire autobiography...

Hi I'm Capricia, but some very few of the none of you reading this may remember me as the artist formally known as Cyonica, who co-created the Undertale fan game Determination some unsightly number of years ago.

It's been a while!! And I haven't really drawn/animated/done anything since then! So this project's going to go splendidly.

Actually, in fairness, so far it really is. I've got animations working, GamePad and Keyboard inputs, a little transition screen, a simple main menu that works, loading and saving game data, collisions and interactions, a nice re-usable timer, fullscreen/windowed toggle, player and non-player movements are working fine... and right now it seems pretty bug-free!

On my PC, at least. Can't wait to find out what horrors lie in store for me if I ever get far enough to start testing it out in the wild

It's also incredibly fragile I have written noodles. Many, many lines of noodles. And whenever I look at a noodle, another noodle breaks! And I have been looking at them. A lot. And poking them. Also a lot. Hence the lack of obvious progress. But I have woven them into a slightly sturdier noodle mesh now, which is a little easier to reassemble if I decide to give them a mangle.

So - roadmap for the rest of this project, I guess: I don't have one. Next, I'm going to make screen transitions work between all screen changes, and then... music and sfx? Probably? Or maybe a start menu +/- settings...? It's more fun to wing it, I hate being pinned down by plans and organisation and w/e.

I do have the basis for a story planned out, and a general visual and audio aesthetic in mind, but I'm kind of procrastinating actually making and adding content. I want the general structure to be in place first, partly so I can just air drop stuff in once it's ready, but also so I can continue putting off finding out how badly decayed my artistic skills have got by now. Since, y'know... it's been {OverflowException} years since I last actually drew anything.

I promise not to put it off forever, though! As well as the huge self-esteem boost of finding out I can actually learn how to do stuff by myself without being hand-held, this project's been great for reviving my general sense of joy and creativity. I'm almost looking forward to dusting off my graphics tablet and scratching out some doodles. How wild is that??

#MonoGame #MonoGameExtended #CSharp #Spine #Esoteric #GameDev #PixelArt #VectorArt #WIPWednesday #IdontknowIdontreallygettags



Next up

Everything works!! No one's getting stuck in any walls, or flicked into space, or staring into the fire forever... success! Now it's time I finally write a little about the language and software I'm using, in case any of my 1 followers are interested...

Aaahahah... whoops.

Aaand... tadaaaa! Scene changes, plus saving and loading from JSON!! Need to fix the glitchy player animations (and my save/load functions are pretty hacky rn), but it's 2 more steps closer! #pixelart #vectorart #MonoGame #XNA #Spine #Esoteric #CSharp

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

I used to be ok at this but now I kind of suck. They really should make it so skills don't degrade over time and we can put them in a box and never think about them again for half a decade with no consequences. #pixelart #gamedev #GIMP

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Hooray! The walls almost work! Just got to unbreak them for the player now, and then maybe unbreak the fire collision, too...

Post no.1! Have a picture of the colourful glitchfest I've been working on instead of probably something more important. Since I own a bunch of expensive art software I don't use, I figured I'd combine my various crises into one and use it to learn C#.

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

As you can see, it's going... in some direction. They're not supposed to get violently flung across the map like that, this is a new thing I just realised they're doing. Yay, more debugging!