3 days ago

General Stickers Need to be Organized Better

When browsing through our backpack, it is extremely frustrating to find non-creator stickers. Nearly every general sticker is haphazardly arranged with seemingly no sense of order at all.

I have a proposal that would drastically improve the organization and user experience of the backpack feature.

The "General Stickers" section should be completely done away with, and all of the stickers currently in that section should be sorted into smaller sections that represent the franchise/sticker pack they came from.

For example, Zelda themed stickers would be put into a Zelda section, Reaction stickers would be put into a reaction section, Halloween themed stickers would be put into a Halloween section, so on and so forth.

Event stickers that can only be obtained from world events and aren't associated with an existing property would be put into an "Event Stickers" section.

This would put the rest of the stickers in line with how creator stickers are sorted, in their own little sections that are easier to navigate and understand.


There should also be a way to filter stickers by alphabetical order.




Next up

What's at the mysterious "D point"?






A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

Does anybody else have an absolutely, astronomically, Brobdingnagian collection of stickers because they only use them when they have a fully charged meter, or is it just me?


After 2 more weeks, I have finally deployed 20 War Thunder community stickers and completed the community quest using only charged stickers .

The bragging rights were, once again, totally worth the extra work

We Should Be Able to Overcharge Our Charge Meter

Rat Race Production Update

My favourite video game hero is Mario

I'm about as basic as they come
