(WIP) Things That Lurk in the Dark
4 years ago

Alpha Update #002

Read the article below for details of the meeting that recently happened!

Hey everyone! Today the current development team of Hype Studios had a meeting. In this meeting we discussed -

- Contracts

- Demo Release Date

- What Info We Can Release

- What We Have Next to Develop

- Story Line

- Final Game Release Date

First off with contracts, we discussed today our current situation with payment of Voice Actors, The Dev Team, and others. We also compiled a contract for our company rules. Most of this information cannot be shared currently.

We discussed the release date of the demo. We can not give out the current state of when the demo will release because of confusion that could happen, but do know that it is in the works and we are having recurring meetings where we decide if our prediction still stands as an accurate date to release.

We had a small little conversation about what we can release. Currently it isn't much, but we can slowly show you guys the development process as we continue onward with the game.

What do we have next to develop? Well, right now it is a lot of stuff. We are currently working on the maps that will be used for the final game. They will be in works for a while and most likely will not be done until the final game or beta comes out. We also have been wanting to update the main menu and add a save system.

We currently do not have the story finished but it will be in the works and we expect to have it finished by around May 15th.

For the final game release date that can also not be specified currently but it is being in the works.

Thanks everyone for your support! Until next time.




Next up

*Note that these pictures are not the final product and currently in heavy development. Changes may occur.* Read the article below to hear what we have worked on, what's to come, more! -Aaron

The factory building has gotten an update!

Alpha Update #003

Below is the full article!

*If you are having trouble with the tunnel in the Alpha Demo, be sure to read!*

Devlog 4.5

Here's a couple of models we've produced over the week! What are your thoughts?

#rpg #adventure #action #dungeoncrawler #fantasy

Devlog 7 - Models and Level Building

How do you guys like the level/scene design so far?

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

Contacting our internet provider today, but we're still working! We are working on character, story, and map design even without the capability of UE4. We are using Minecraft since it has a nearly perfect unit conversion rate. Stay tuned for more updates!

Devlog 8 - AI Advancement and Map Progression

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!