9 months ago

Alright gentlemen, who is ready for the third and final part of DDLC the new guy?

I know I sure am, and I hope you guys are too!

If you want the first two parts, they are listed right below!



Alright so I have to make a quick disclaimer that this is in no way fanfiction, I also have to make a disclaimer saying that the mod will never come out as I have no chance at recreating the art style of the game, and also, I have no coding skills so... yeah... :/

Oh, and also HEAVY spoiler alert. If you don't wanna see it, I have spoiler bars for it! :D

Also, I'm not going to explain what DDLC the new guy is. Just read the first two parts.

Day eight:

In order to distract from the very confusing and scary day that was day seven, we decided to head over to the club and try our hardest to avoid Yuri. We're scared that she might get angry again and yell at us, or even hurt us if she gets the chance.

To have the best chance of avoiding her, we move to the corner of the room and sit on the floor. We pull out a piece of paper and get to poem writing, maybe even some book reading if we're lucky.

But we hear a soft, calm, and shy voice from above us. It's... Yuri...

The second we hear her; we decide to curl into a ball and tell her to not hurt us. But she doesn't actually want to hurt us, in fact, she came to apologize for getting so angry yesterday. She basically explains that she has these really "sensitive" spots on her arm that feel extremely painful to poke. It turns out, we actually poked one of those and sent her into a painful rage yesterday.

We decide to hug her, and her face lights up like a tomato. She seemed really embarrassed and surprised that even though she came off as scary yesterday, we still decided to hug her.


I mean, come on, look at that face. How could she seem scary in the first place?

She brings up that she has a "collection" she keeps in her room, and that she actually wants to show us one of the pieces of it to show her "symbol of becoming her friend" or something.

She pulls out a large knife from her pocket, she glares at it for a second, almost as if she's admiring how beautiful the knife is in her own twisted eyes. And then she starts to cackle while holding it, she even decides to put on her psycho face from the base game. Y'know the one.


We try to make her put it down, but that only causes her to pull it away from us. It seems like the second she pulled the knife out; some sort of primal urge took over to make her start acting like this.

Her voice and face went from calm and collected, to nervous and psychotic in a matter of only a few seconds. She starts going on about how we're going to be friends now, how we could be friends for years, how we could even be friends until the day we di-

Monika just like last time decides to show up, angry at Yuri for seemingly threatening to stab you with her knife. She isn't very pleased that she had to scold Yuri two days in a row, it looks like Yuri isn't doing all that good of a job at maintaining good friendships, is she?

Yuri quickly puts the knife away, scared and embarrassed that Monika showed up. She quickly tries to apologize for scaring us and nearly hurting us, but Monika is not having it whatsoever. She literally pulls us away from Yuri the second she tries to stroke us to calm down.

Don't worry, MC, Monika is here to protect you. She's the only one who'll always protect you no matter what, she'll protect you from anything and everything.

She pulls us away and asks if we could help with baking some sweets.

We walk over to the baking section of the club room to get started on baking. We do our thing and after a few minutes, we finish baking and bring out some cupcakes.

After eating some cupcakes, the club ends, and we end up going home.

Day nine:

We head to the club, there's not a lot happening today. It's one of the slower days in which we can really just chat and eat snacks, everyone is here today! Yuri, Natsuki, Monika... but wait... where's Sayori?

We have been ignoring her recently, maybe she just slept in late today. We decide to start asking other members of the club where she is, Yuri and Natsuki seem to be just as confused as us, meanwhile, Monika has a much "different" reaction.

Instead of trying to help us find out where Sayori is, she seems annoyed that we're asking in the first place. She says that she probably overdosed on sugar yesterday and had a giant sugar crash at her house. We decide to leave the club, we head over to her house and notice that it's unlocked. We head up the stairs and we gently open the door. (BASE GAME PTSD)

Instead of finding our dear old childhood friend doing... "the thing." We instead find her lying in her room, peacefully sleeping and softly snoring. She seems to be having a great dream right now, but upon closer inspection, we find that she isn't sleeping. She's instead just staring at the ceiling, pondering life. She notices us and puts on a big, forced, toothy smile to distract us from what she was doing.

She wonders why we came so early until she looks at the clock and realizes that we aren't early, but that she's late. She quickly jumps out of bed and forces us out of her room to change, just before we leave, we hear something through the door. We hear a clatter of what sounds like tiny beads falling on the floor, we hear Sayori start repeating the word "no" in a very worried manner before we hear the sound of her grabbing a glass of water and gulping down... something.

She comes out of the room with the same smile, just not forced. She is extremely energetic and happy and decides to rush back to the club with us.

We end up back at the club, this time with Sayori there. The club continues as normal. Sayori, hungry from not eating breakfast, decides to showcase a snack table located in a part of the room. She lets us have a few before she ends up gobbling a few down, and by a few, I mean a quarter of the snack table.

As soon as she finishes, she hiccups and lets out a small giggle. She seems really happy that you woke her up, Sayori doesn't know what she would do without the MC.

After some more talking, Sayori gives us a big hug before we return home and get ready for day ten.

Day ten:

We walk on the sidewalk with Sayori and Natsuki, the MC and Sayori seem really happy and excited. Meanwhile, Natsuki seems all grumpy for some reason. We walk up to her, and she finally notices us. She gets a seemingly devious grin before she walks up and bumps our shoulder a bit, sending us moving slightly.

She keeps doing this until you get to the club. She finally stops before we enter and get ready for another amazing day at the club!

We find it incredibly weird that Natsuki went from sweet and more open to us, back to annoyed and teasing us. And what do you know? Just as luck would have it, Monika decides to make this thing where we have to pick someone to partner with to write a poem. And she decides to pick for us. Natsuki is now stuck with us, being a bully like normal.

She does a bunch of things. She teases us for how short we are and how little we weigh, she makes annoying sounds, and she even tries to ruin our poem at one point. Where is Monika when you need her?

Eventually, you and Natsuki take a break and decide to move over to the baking section and tell us to cut up some butter for baking. Natsuki is still annoying you, and whether it be out of malice or idiocy, she bumps into us while trying to cut the butter.

We end up slicing our finger due to her actions, and she seems genuinely worried and concerned that she might get in trouble for causing you to accidentally slice your finger. It's almost as if every time one of the characters does something to annoy or scare us, they have no control over their own body while doing it.

While nobody is really happy about you cutting your finger, Yuri sure is... "interested" in it to say the least. (Fun fact: It's implied that blood turns Yuri on, whether it be hers or the players)

Monika (like always) swoops in to help us, she decides to give us a bandage and patches our finger up before taking Yuri and Natsuki to another room. We decide to listen in through the door, trying to understand what Monika is telling the two. We hear a conversation between the two that goes a little something like this.

  • Monika: "Three days in a row... really Yuri?"

  • Monika: "And Natsuki, I'm genuinely surprised you decided to start picking on him too."

  • Natsuki, sounding sporadic and nervous: "W-Wait, listen, M-Monika, please..."

  • Monika: "He joined ten days ago, and what do you do when you get to know him? You make him cut his finger!"

  • Yuri: "We were just trying to-"

  • Monika: "I don't want to hear it, Yuri!"

  • Monika: "Don't act like I didn't see you look at him all flustered when he sliced his finger, I know how you are with that type of thing!"

  • Both Yuri and Natsuki seem really embarrassed and ashamed of their actions, they both fall silent.

  • Monika: "Listen, I know for a fact that he's listening to our conversation, I can even see his feet under the door."

  • Monika: "So what I need both of you to do is back off!"

They both decide to walk out of the room before Monika gives an announcement to the club.

She says that today's club meeting is canceled because of Yuri and Natsuki.

Day eleven (Act III beginning):

We walk into the club and find Yuri sitting in the corner of the room reading a book, she's wearing something you really haven't noticed before. She's wearing a long purple sweater. When we try to approach her, she hits us with that psychotic smile before asking us why we seem so worried about her. Her breathing is extremely rapid, to the point that some of her words are breaking due to how she's breathing.

She keeps smiling, and eventually, she starts to scratch her arm. She keeps scratching until she winces in pain due to a very specific spot on her arm, the area she scratched has a small splotch appear on it and we start to see something leak down the inside of her sweater onto her hand.

She decides to ask us something, something that seems a bit... odd coming from her.

She asks a very simple question: "Could you... get me... something... sharp... please...?"

Her eyes are both a blend of psychopathy and the feeling of holding back tears, she feels really stressed and needs to blow off some steam.

We don't really understand why she needs it, but she ends up asking again, separating every single word as she does so.

We don't understand the concept of self-harm, not because we're stupid, but because we're just a kid.

She decides to get annoyed and basically tries to persuade us to get something for her. Eventually, she decides to pull her sleeve up to reveal why she needs it.

Yuri eventually excuses herself before moving to the bathroom, she is getting way too stressed right now.

We eventually brush off the Yuri experience by heading to our best friend, Sayori!

We chat with her, alongside some other members of the club before we head to the snack table with Sayori. She explains that she hasn't eaten all that much today, so she needs some space when it comes to the table. She begins to eat a few snacks.

But then she just keeps eating... and eating... and eating... and eating...

You can try to help her stop, but that only makes her eat faster.

Eventually, she clears out the entire table before stopping, her cheeks puff up and she starts to cough.

She keeps coughing harder and harder.

Monika swoops in and prevents us from helping her though, she decides to shush us before we slowly start walking away from Sayori.

Monika mutters under her breath:

"Deserved it... you glutton."

She eventually starts breathing again before crying at the MC and pushing him out of the way, running back home.

Day twelve, thirteen, and fourteen:

These three days all have basically the same concept, that being the club members either bullying or scaring you before you reach day fifteen.

To give a TLDR of what happens during these days:

Day twelve is about Yuri, in which she traps you in a room with nobody but her before showing you why she has that collection she was talking about. However, this outcome doesn't come out fatal, it just sort of traumatizes the MC.

Day thirteen is about Natsuki, basically, she pulls out everything she has to try and annoy you. Even bringing stuff she really shouldn't know about us.

And day fourteen is about Sayori. It starts off with you going to her house, finding her just like you did on day nine. But she seems much more sluggish than the previous days, she gives tons of hugs over the day, with some being forceful. But she really isn't doing a good job at making herself seem truly happy. We eventually find a bottle of pills on her table, she quickly gets into a state we really haven't seen from her, anger. She forces us out of her house to end the day.

Day fifteen (finale):

We wake up, just like the past 2 weeks. We go on the sidewalk, but nobody is there to greet us. We continue walking until we end up at the club, we take a deep breath before opening the door. Today is special as we're supposed to write a short story to present to the club, we wrote one and we are extremely confident about it!

As we enter the club, we're greeted by the four members. Yuri, Natsuki, Sayori, and Monika. All there with different amounts of emotion on their faces. They all sit down at the table before getting ready to present their short stories.

Yuri goes first, then Sayori, then Natsuki, and then Monika.

The MC is left to go last. As we pull out our short story, we're shocked to see the perfectly well-written pages turn into a garbled mess of letters. We look to the rest of the members before explaining that we can't present because our short story is ruined.

Everyone takes this lightly, except for Natsuki. She gets angry and starts going on and on about how we're lazy for not remembering to make it and how we're terrible at keeping things in good shape. Eventually, Yuri decides to speak out, saying how she finds the MC annoying and childish. Monika decides to not say anything, just watching it unfold.

We turn to Sayori, our childhood best friend, the one who we could always depend everything on. But sadly... she too agrees with Yuri and Natsuki.

The MC is devastated, and saddened by our best friend, even the person we saw as our older sibling just gave up on protecting us. Sayori's final words to us stab us in the heart like a knife through butter: "Go away, I wish I never met you in the first place, all you've done is bother me when I could have gotten actual help from someone else!"

The anxiety and overwhelmingness of the situation are too much to bear, and so, we end up bolting out of the club. Tripping multiple times on our way to our house.

We slam our bedroom door before we lean on it and curl up into a ball to cry in.

But suddenly, piercing our ears is a familiar voice from inside our room.

"What awful and terrifying people, don't you think?"

Monika says, seemingly fully aware of how much this affected you.

"The way they just threw you out like if you were trash..."

"Natsuki blowing up like usual..."

"Yuri calling you out on your annoying tendencies..."

"But Sayori... she was different."

"Before you joined the club, she would always nickname you the little brother she never had."

In a scene very similar to the ending of the base game, she just stares at you as she speaks. She's grown tired of putting up her facade, so it's about time it comes off.

"I love putting thoughts into people's heads, it fills me with so much glee..."

"I told Natsuki to start bumping into you, I told Yuri to showcase her habits in front of you, I even told Sayori that you didn't love her anymore...."

"And those idiots listened to me..."

Monika glares down at the player, walking closer to the MC.

"You know, the second Sayori brought you into the club, I was disappointed beyond belief..."

"I thought I was going to get the player I wanted, but instead, I get a giant crybaby..."

"Dating between the two of us would be so weird, and I didn't want to take any chances."

She turns around and walks towards the window in your room, she pauses for a second, searching for your character's file.

"Tell me now, do you feel anything right now?"

"Do you feel like your body is being ripped apart, or like you're burning?"

Everything on our screen starts to break and distort, having all these weird things break it. We're currently being deleted from the game files, just like the cast in the base game.

"Tee-hee, bye *player name*, I hope you enjoy being replaced!"

The screen fades to black before we get our final words of the game.

"Finally, they got him right..."

And that my friends are my ideas for DDLC: the new guy!

Tell me what you thought of the mod concept, tell me if you would play it if it was real!



Next up

Only 14 more followers and I'll reach 100 followers!

This is my first big milestone!

Why does Singularity vaguely look like Gyutaro.

(I didn't do this purposely, it's just something I noticed.)

New world, what dis?

Joltober is here! Today's prompt is Raven! Each day in October, you’ll get a new prompt and a new quest at 12 pm Eastern! Go to your quest log to find the quest! It'll expire tomorrow at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET.

Y'know, this technically doesn't count as a spooky "movie," but it's my favorite spooky series.

The Monument Mythos by MISTERMANTICORE.

Does not make any sense, but it's fun.


Joltober is here! Today's prompt is Lantern! Each day in October, you’ll get a new prompt and a new quest at 12 pm Eastern! Go to your quest log to find the quest! It'll expire tomorrow at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET.

What is this thing?

Construct: Wolf Form

(Enemy sprite for Enter The Guestaverse)

do not

My favorite #Scarygame is Bugsnax!

This is because catching the Flaming Cheepoof was a nightmare.

No other reasons for this being scary.