The Legend Of Clara Spell

8 months ago

and with the files back, i'm doing some work on episode 3



Next up

hey hey i just found one of the old taofnaf teasers before we're the animatronic's came out, this was made in 2018, at least something was found

Episode 2 in development

hey i do videos at many points where i voice characters in a bad impression while reading reddit comments, wheatley is the next one i am considering, hit me with any kinda comment you feel like.

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

clara spell episode 6 is almost done


hey hey episode 5 is almost done

Time for a little something different!

Here's an earlier boss that I've never shown off here before. In case you can't tell, she's VERY hard and I've died to her many times.

I've done some re-balancing work lately, but it's still not going to be easy.

so i found out that my owl house video on Hooty got 1000 views, thanks everybody :D