6 months ago

another original character for the game, this character comes from @MeatCubeGames , thank you very much Meat for supporting and collaborating in the game, I really appreciate it.

Egg is not coming alone, he comes with his own original map too, I will keep

you informed about Matt and Egg, that's all and see you in the darkness ;)


otro personaje original para el juego, este personaje viene de @MeatCubeGames , muchas gracias Meat por apoyar y colaborar en el juego, te lo agradezco de verdad.

Egg no viene solo, viene con su propio mapa original también, os mantendré informados sobre Matt y Egg, eso es todo y nos vemos en la penumbra ;)



Next up


Niveles 6 y 7 de Rubik parkour

Nivel 1-6 Un sol abrasador

Nivel 1-7 Entre el código



Levels 6 and 7 of Rubik parkour

Level 1-6 A scorching sun

Level 1-7 Among the code


Hi guys, Happy desert is here, this is the spanish version, like Gamejolt doesn't allow me to upload two videos, the video in english will be in my newgrounds https://rrcreations.newgrounds.com/

I hope you like it, if you have any suggestion to improve tell me


Hola chicos, probablemente esta será la última vez que nos veamos por un tiempo a no ser que se me ocurra algo, os dejo este último diseño de Matt y Ana y nos vemos en la penumbra :)



Hi guys, probably this will be the last time we will see

Play our game, Bloodless, and complete the Help Tomoe quest to unlock the Bloodless sticker pack!

Start the quest: http://gamejolt.com/#quest

Game Jolt has given out all of their free Steam keys!


Chicos me acabo de dar cuenta de una cosa Windows detecta el juego de Matt... como un virus, no se preocupen, se que el juego es malo, pero no tiene ningun virus o archivo malicioso, ni siquiera se como hacer eso, eso es todo.



Guys I just

Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)


El piloto HD está terminado al 100%, lo siguiente es traducirlo, os dejo un tráiler y un enlace al vídeo de YouTube, eso es todo por ahora, nos vemos el día 20 en la penumbra ;)


The HD pilot is 100% finished, the next thing is to translate it, I


Hi everybody, we still have a little bit to go before the launch of the comic, but I wanted to tell you that we have important things that are coming and will change everything a little bit, but on the other side this will be the 10th project done

@GabrieleGiuseppini has added exclusive Floating Sandbox avatar frames, stickers, and backgrounds for all of you!

Set sail to the shop and collect 'em all! https://gamejolt.com/#shop



Hola a todos, mientras trabajamos en el comic terminamos los modelos low poly de Matt y Ana, creo que es obvio pero estan inspirados en el mario de super mario 64, espero que os gusten y nos vemos en la penumbra ;)



Hi everyone, meanwhile we