Last image by MeltingMan234
tiny LORE n personality traits I got for now:
Well not that clear or super strcuturated. On a potential fic or comic will have a similar role than her original 90 self.
Just not that of a minion for someone, her team has a very friendly outlaws realtionship, not as close as team Dark or Sonic ofc. Used to be a famous athlete, but got incriminate of cheating. At least preserves that habilites n gadgeds form that era.
She may be petty and kinda egocentric, despises other carlessly etc. Not a revolution there...
Carrotia kinda acknowledges all this, but prefers to be seen as acertive and secure in any new place she enters.
Despite her school queen bee trophe, the most redimable qualities must be, her determination and chivalry on a competition, wether sports or street fights. Has done despicable things but hates to be seen as a common deleinquent. Also not ery cruel with others far form words, unless her goals are in high risk. Her friends, dont care much about codes though
Rouge was kind of an inspiration to get into crime.