2 months ago

Bellsprout has always been a little under appreciated, I feel, and it occupies a special place in my heart as it was on my first ever Pokémon team back on the Blue GB cartridge.

The palette used for this piece was Go-Line, which can be found on Lospec.



Next up

One of (hopefully) four entries I’m planning on making for @/Polyducks Nokia 2024 collab, this mini-Metroid scene was too tempting to pass up once I’d thought of it!

All done.

It’s just a shame we can’t generate charges faster to support more creators…

The third of four (?) entries I’m making for @/Polyduck’s 2024 Nokia Collab, I decided to go for a rogue-like for this one.

Behind the scenes, I did make everything out of 8x8 pixel tiles to give some extra cohesion to the style.

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

It took a little longer than planned, but I made my fourth and final entry made for the 2024 Nokia Collab.

I always had fond memories of SHMUP’s and I’d never realised the complexity behind them. This 1-bit version is a nod to those efforts.


Dragonite is rather strange for a pseudo-legendary, with its friendly demeanour, but it’s such a nice Pokémon for that reason. The Go-Line palette also works so well for it.

Many thanks to @/bluwit for suggesting the subject and concept for this piece.

The second of four entries I’m making for @/Polyduck’s 2024 Nokia Collab, this iso survival horror game was almost inevitable.

I was surprised that isometric would work so well on a 96x65 pixel canvas, but pleased at the same time.

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

I thought I’d share a WIP today of my latest piece. My regular followers might notice that it’s rather more colourful than my usual works.