An updated "Imagine It!" Sticker.
The frame features the Characters' faction.
Luigi "Superb-Up!", belongs to the Good Fraction:
Valorous Resistance alongside with Silent "Player-On!"
and other Security Guard Comrades.
A plot in "Imagine It!" the fancomic.
The one who was trapped inside of the Arcade Machine earlier as Alter Luigi
in Mega Merge Max Mix by Alter Dr. Golden and was used then time later,
as Luigi "Superb-Up!" as a bait to lure Security Guard Silent into a new
Arcade Machine in Fierce Forces by the "Modern" upgraded version:
Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!"
(The upgraded appearance from classic to modern, aka. "Level-Up!" of the Characters, was included in the contract containing new rules of the game between Alter Dr. Golden and Silent "Player-On!")
Now the Green Brother not only act as the Plumber, but as well as the Technician of
"Sonic's Heroes Tera Pizza Promenade" and assists Silent "Player-On!" in various tasks...
Luigi "Superb-Up!" quote: ~ "Wee He He Ha! I'm Luigi, Numer 1!"