2 years ago


I said I'd do two tutorials, and I thought this one would be smaller, but I can't seem to shut up, so here you go! Another two-parter it is!

Click on [Read Article] and an Article you shall Read!

I had the idea to make this tutorial once I was coding my Mission Screen on Dead Drift and realized that making the "springy" movement it does is actually quite easy in Construct 3.


So let's go! Let's see how it's done!

Part 1: The Sine Behavior

We begin by creating a simple sprite. We will be using it as an example for the bounce/swing movement, so you can draw or use whatever image you want!

I'll use one of my Sock Pupper stickers, the Flowey one! Hello, Flowey Sock! :)



One of the cool things about using Construct is that you get a bunch of useful, pre-coded behaviors out of the box! This time, we're going to be using the Sine behavior. We'll use it whenever we want to make wave-ish-like movements.

To add this behavior to our sprite, select it on the layout where you're making this and, on the Properties tab (usually on the left-hand side of the screen), click on Add/Edit Behaviors:


Part 2: Configuring the Sine behavior

Once you've added this behavior to your Sprite, its parameters section should appear in the Properties tab.


See that Preview checkbox there? Click on it! Give this boy a spin!


It's swinging already! That's because it's using the default Sine behavior parameters. Play around with these properties a bit! You'll see that there's a lot of crazy stuff you can do with the Sine behavior.


Part 3: Back To Our Movement

If you've played with the parameters (as I told you to do... just sayin'...) you might have realized that the Magnitude parameter controls how "wide" our wavey movement will be.

And what is the relation of this width to the movement we are trying to create? It diminishes with time.

So now we're going to... that's right, you already know it... we'll create an event in our Event Sheet to produce this "braking" behavior.

Before that, however, I'm going to make my Flowey do a vertical swing, but a faster one (this speed is controlled by the Period parameter: the smaller the period of a wave, the faster it "vibrates").


That's it for now, folks! Next time, we're gonna create some events and finally make this looks more like a spring or something!

See ya! :)



Next up

HI! I'm getting close to hitting 1000 FOLLOWERS (woohooo!) and I'm thinking about doing some special things to celebrate this:

- A Fireside where we can play a drawing game together!

- A mini-game using the sock puppets!

What do you think of that?

HELLO EVERYONE! How are you doing this Monday?

Are you folks excited for this week? What are you planning to do?

I'd love to hear it in the comments!!!

It's coming, folks!!! Anyone else excited???

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

For this #DrawABirdDay I decided to make a simple animation as if Greedy Grackle was one of the Socks from Sock Town!

Here's Greedy Grackle Sock!

#pixelart #animation

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

It's OK if I repost my Jack Black Bowser drawing for the #MarioMovie quest? Some people might have missed it!

Oh, and if you don't know what this drawing is referencing, click on Read Article for the link!

Everybody talking about the Super Mario movie and here I am thinking how cool it would be if they made a movie out of THIS game...

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Here's what I'm thinking to celebrate the 1K followers milestone... the very first SOCK TOWN prototype!

It's heavily inspired by the Reigns game, but instead of being about being a king... it's about being the director of the "Sock Town" TV show!