(Cancelled) Creeper's Rebuilt

1 year ago

demo is out!

@JonatanPL you little piece of shit change game status to early acess.



Next up

Early showcase of custom night.

Beta 1.0.1 is released!

Also I added music volume in settings & 2 new ambience tracks!

New menu and creeper jumpscare also I added night 6.

Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

He is here.

These are my favorite models I've made this year!!! I know these are the recent ones but yeah I love them a lot

Game Over Screen and icon 128x 128x

Done in Mine-imator actually entire game is done in this program XD.

New thumbnail for Creeper's Rebuilt too!

GAME IS OUT NOW!!!! (Please read below)

Voice Actors need (for some reason) if you want to apply just write to him @JonatanPL