Star Story
9 years ago

Demo release 16.01.21

Demo 16.01.21

At this moment, the demo release is being uploaded and processed as we speak.
Please note, the version for you system only counts as updated when the version number in the download states to be version/build 16.01.21 or 16.1.21

Basically any version number prior to 16.xx.xx is still the old version waiting to be replaced.

The most important change is that I enhanced Polan’s API code for BlitzMax, and due to a few inefficient things in that code things took forever. Sorry about that. Well due to some server errors before I kept thinking the server was still to blame while enhancing the API could take away another part of the evil. And as extra bonus this enhancement also makes the game take up less memory.

Below is a changelog with some other changes that were done over time as well:

  1. The most important enhancement was the fix of #309, however the result of that is so big that a new release was required, and thus, here it is….

  2. I also updated the AP system. Being higher in level will have good effect on that. How good however depends on the chosen difficulty setting and there is a cap to this also based on this setting.

  3. Bug #312 fixed

  4. Bug #308 fixed (camera position when Wendicka gets home for the first time).

  5. A known issue is #317 - ExHuRU’s ‘STOMP’ move does not yet work, it will work in the full final release. Maybe even sooner ;)

  6. Another issue is #310 - I will make it happen that you can go in Windowed mode from a new game and not only when loading a savegame

  7. Another issue is #322 - This is only a cosmetic bug, so it doesn’t have priority, yet.

  8. Foxy’s portrait has been improved.

And that covers everything for this release. See ya ;)

(All numbers marked with a # are the issue numbers in my issue tracker of this game. If you find another bug in this demo, don’t hesitate to let me know. I used github to track and make note my bugs and TODOs for a reason, you know.



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