I thought I would do a first official Devlog anything before this point doesn't count, They are all gonna be separated in topics btw.
Topic 1: Why is the game taking so long? Where's the demo or anything???!!!.
There's a couple reasons, ill state the first and obvious, Models have to get done and thankfully I've finished 5/6 character models, I still need to animate jump scares which is a whole process I'm not gonna discuss here. The 2nd reason being, @Everyy still has to finish the cam locations we are about 10% done but we are going as fast as we can. The 3rd Reason, Coding, as soon as all the cameras are done, im going to begin the coding process but with little coding it may take awhile for an office or full demo to come out so please be patient. The 4th reason is, Irl stuff. We have lives and school things (for me at least) I can't work or can barely work on weekdays because that's when I'm on my busiest, thats whats slowed development for anything in general.
Topic 2: Clarification for the game.
This game may not have an android port, unless I get help from some one else I may not be able make a port as this game is gonna use the keyboard a ton. Next is that the game may have dark story elements and this also test my writing for a story.
Topic 3: the models for the characters look ass.
Im gonna be honest, I do not like my own models, they will. be guaranteed to be replaced in the future (this only applys to specific models. But if you see something in the game you do or don't like please give criticism in the comments, every piece of feedback matters to improve the game.
That's all I got to say, but an ETA for a game is unknown its possible I can push something out by late to mid or mid early march but this is far certain.