
4 years ago

DEVLOG#1 - So it begins...

After submitted our game 'Two-Can-Do' to the Untied Game Jam we've been thrilled to see so much positive feedback! We plan to continue development and have started a devlog to keep people updated on the state of the game.

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DEVLOG#3 - LevelUp!

Our focus for the week was to build some tutorial levels. However, there's been much less building and more head scratching than we'd like to admit. Despite this we thought we'd share a few screenshots as we test different level sizes.

Making art for indie games is always great fun :D

We'd love to share some of the art and animations from our co-op platformer 'Two-Can'Do'. We hope you like the fun, squishy art style!

See our devlog for more on the project:

Check out the Play Store Page for our first ever game release 'ASTEROID ATTACK'. Don your game face, warm those thumbs up, and get ready for some intense synth-wave action!…

You knew Olaf, Ale Abbey's fluffy doggo. Prepare to meet Otto the cat, the monastery Cellar's sleepy restless guardian🍻⛪

You will - indeed - be able to pet them in-game for a bonus in Satisfaction!🐈☺️

#indiegame #petthedog #pixelart #screenshotsaturday


We're super excited to share our latest project 'Two-Can-Do', a small puzzle platformer. This prototype was made in a day for the United Game Jam. Being our first ever jam we'd love to hear what people think.

Collected new gameplay footage this week. And finally found (and added) a new piece of music that suits the mood of the game

DEVLOG#2 - Squash 'n' Squeeze

Time for another devlog! This time we're sharing some animations. To give more life to our squishy friends we've overhauled existing animations and added some new ones such as a fun, bouncy landing animation.

#unity #indiedev


We're really excited to share our first ever game 'ASTEROID ATTACK', now updated to v0.2 with all new POWERUPS. Blast, race and dodge your way past enemies to the pure sound of synth-wave. Check it out at:

I was worried about how other maps would be handled in co-op, but then I realized each player could be the map-specific host if they're the first/only one there. So many bugs to fix now though!

UPDATE - Long Time No See

Hi, it's been way too long since we've posted anything here so we thought we'd drop a quick post to explain a few things at let people know about the latest in our game dev journey.

More below or follow us @BITBREW